A kawaii version of the iconic Minecraft
An adorable and somewhat simpler version of the classic Minecraft
Craft and build in a limitless 3D sandbox game with high fps graphics
Explore a world full of danger in this Minecraft clone
A version of Pokémon with a Minecraft aesthetic
Build your own world out of blocks and try to survive
What will you find underground?
Dig nonstop and build amazing monuments
Explore mining tunnels in this Minecraft-themed clicker
Collect all the valuable stones
The perfect Minecraft and runner fusion
Descend the mine and start to dig out the fun
Hunt for a multitude of treasure in this mining game
Sift through the dirt in search of gold nuggets
A classic game where you hunt for gold nuggets
Dig gold out of the deepest mines in the galaxy
Keep digging to rescue your sweetheart... but avoid the traps!
Mine different minerals from the ground
Dig deep down into the depths of earth
Destroy blocks with the strongest picks